Dashboard Help
[Updated for new dashboard effective Jan 16, 2018]
The Dashboard is the main page of the application. The Action Map provides a high-level view of all vehicles that have acquired a GPS location. All of the vehicles are listed below
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Charts: The top right bar chart provides a count of vehicles that have a "Dead Battery", have been "Disconnected" or have been "Suspended". The balance represents yet to be installed inventory
Vehicle Grid: All of the vehicles in your account are listed below the map.
View: You can select the information you want to view on this grid by clicking the "View" Icon and checkbox for the information you want to view
Name: the assigned name for the device/vehicle, defaults to the serial number of tracking unit
Search: You can easily search for the vehicle you are looking for by typing in the "search" box any numbers or letters from any of the information in any of the columns that are displayed in the below grid.
Action Map: by clicking on an icon in the Action column, specific actions are interactive with the Map...
Action Current Location
Click the globe icon to see the current location for the vehicle selected. The most recently recorded successful vehicle location shows on the map. Click this Icon on the map to reveal current status information (Stopped, Moving, Disconnected, Dead Battery or "Acquiring Network Signal". NOTE: the light beige color of the information label indicates that this vehicle may not currently be at this location because the device has not communicated for a number of hours or days (as specified).
Action Top Stops
Click the building icon to see the vehicle's Top Stops for the last 30 days with addresses and the amount of time accumulated at each location.
Action Heartbeats
Click the heart icon to see all locations for this vehicle every 4 hours for the last 30 days
Vehicle Icon: a standard vehicle icon may be chosen for placement in the map function, or a photo may be uploaded using the phone or PC application
Notes: any notes regarding the vehicle may be added
Editing Device/Vehicle Account Details
By clicking any one checkbox to the left of a listed device/vehicle, you may edit/add any associated information. Once you have clicked on the checkbox, the Edit button will turn from grey to black indicating that you may edit. Click on the Edit button to start editing. Note that if you have accidentally clicked on two or more check boxes, the Edit button will appear as grey and not be functional.